Join me for my complimentary training on Soulmate healing and finding your hearts desires

Find your Soulmate and get the inspiring relationship you deserve. Connect to your heart's desires and unblock your heart's energy to bring love to you.

  • Find out the 7 secrets to the Path of your Heart's desires so that you can attract your Soulmate to you.
  • Two lucky winners will work with me live on the call to identify their chronic blocks that are deeply rooted in the subconscious and help the winners to release them so that they can fulfill their heart's desires!
  • Attract the love from your core values to you to allow your hearts desires to be free and for your soulmate connection to shine forth and attract like-hearted souls to you.
  • Heal your heart break with my free meditation on the call to expand your heart's energy and attract more love to .
  • Do you want to find your Soulmate and start a romantic relationships that inspires you and fills you full of love?
  • Do you need to break free of old patterns of unhappiness, manipulation or abuse in your relationship?
  • Would you like to go deep inside to root out the old, old blockages that are making you choose a life of sadness in love?

Enter your details below so that you can join me and find your heart's desires

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Your host is Jennifer Smith from Balance On Purpose, psychic healer and relationship coach.

fade-leftfade-rightTestimonials about working with Jennifer

After each session you give me peace and in these crazy times...even if it's just for an hour it's invaluable.  You help take the jumble in my head and make sense of it.  You help by giving me strength to take on the next problem and your insights confirm and inspire the dragonfly today. I knew I could count on you and you were really instrumental in keeping me calm. I KNEW you would be the calm in the storm and help me.

Jeanette C