Would you like to embody your unique divine balance in your physical life?

Let go of limits and ongoing physical stress you put onto yourself when living out of alignment with who you are at soul level.
    • I provide a custom-designed healing and yoga program to support you energetically and physically.
    • Each session is tailored to your soul and your specific needs at the time to bring you into balance with your positive self at soul level.

    I know that is it IS possible for you to keep moving further into your big dreams and live the life you know you secretly want but think you don't deserve or can't have!

    I would therefore love to invite you to join me in this custom-designed healing and yoga program based on the information from your unique soul in the Soul realignment reading I carried out for you.

    This 6 month program includes:

    • 6 monthly custom-designed healing sessions

      • In these sessions you will be supported to bring yourself into harmony with your soul: at the emotional and mental body levels. They are a great complement to the Soul realignment psychic reading to help integrate the changes that you are making smoothly and easily.
      • The healing supports you to see where you resist changes and gently yet effectively removes old stubborn emotional and mental patterns that get you get stuck in which you find it hard to let go of and make it more difficult for you to transform!
      • You will learn how to support your body and mind through times of change and growth. You will be given advice based on the situations you are facing at each moment in time throughout the 6 months of the program.
      • You will have healing that helps soothe you through difficult times and you will gain strength from being more in balance with the true nature of your soul.
    • 6 monthly custom-designed yoga videos

      • I will design you personal yoga sessions based on the specific energy spectrum of your soul. This will help you to work more with these natural gifts that you have rather than working against “the grain” and doing what you feel society or other people expect of you.
      • This will also assist in you facing challenges in a positive way and not having “gift envy” which shows up when you see other people dealing with seemingly difficult situations with ease!
      • The yoga sessions will also be designed to help you let go of the effects of the negativity you were choosing for yourself over many lifetimes from your Soul realignment reading. The yoga is created in a way that supports the energy of the affected chakras and gently reduces the stress that comes from facing problems and hard choices you have been making.
      • These personalised yoga videos will be available to you online for you to use again and again!
      • The sessions are designed with you as a whole person in mind, suiting your physical body and health needs, your emotions and mind and of course yourself at soul level!

    6 MONTH PROGRAM VALUE £600 ($990)

    Free Bonus #1

    The Everyday Yoga course

    The 6 modules are sent to you each week over 6 weeks.

    Each week there are taught video lessons with different activities and techniques.

    Every week there are yoga practises taught to you by video, which you will be able to carry out into the future as this course is a lifetime membership!

    VALUE OF BONUS  £250 ($410)


    Total value of £850 (approx $1300)

    Your investment just £249 (approx $415)

    Offer for next 7 days only


    buy now

    3 Pay Installment Plan

    To make it easier to get started straight away there is a 3 pay installment plan below.

    Pay £90/month for 3 months (total price £270)

    6 month healing program
    Number of payments 3
    Start payments At checkout
    At checkout£90.00 GBP
    Every 1 month (x 2)£90.00 GBP
    Total £270.00 GBP
    * We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
    Sign up for
    • What happens next?

      You will be sent a receipt immediately from PayPal.
      I will send you a welcome email within 24 hours. We will schedule your Soul realignment reading straight away! I will send you step by step instructions how to access your member’s content and will explain how each module will be delivered.
      I offer a 7 day money back guarantee where I will offer a full refund if your medical practitioner advises against carrying out the yoga courses. For the first 7 days you will have access to week 1 content and will be given a medical clearance form to take to your medical practitioner. No refund will be give for any reason after 7 days from purchase date. So excited to work with you!! Jennifer Sanders Balance On Purpose xxxx


        * Soul realignment is a registered trademark